Bye bye summer!

This summer was one of the hottest I remember in ages so, despite the fact I forced myself to knit and crochet cotton, I didn't move much forwards!(In the end september came and - with my utmost relelief -- temperatures gently started to decrease.)
Honestly I had quite a lot of ideas for the summer but my willing was overwhelmed by the heat most of the time, so I ended up creating a tenth of what I really had in mind. I had quite a feeling of frustration the whole time, because what I made, from time to time, was not that homogeneous with the previous and objects didn't look driven by a main idea or theme.
And perhaps I wasn't fair with my cotton creations as for I didn't spend much time advertising them around, so far they still look precious to me.

I crocheted necklaces, flower pot, a clock (inspired to the wonderful blog According to Matt) and cases. I guess they deserve a post for their own as, this morning, I  decided to close the "summer material" session, completing the two cotton kindle cases below. These objects are now available on my shops.Hopefully, from now on, a wool passion will rise again.

2 commenti:

  1. fai delle cose bellissime..complimenti ;)

    1. Grazie Lucyana, visita anche il mio shop di esty! Sto preparando delle cose per la primavera (accessori da sposa) ma ho ricevuto alcuni ordini ultimamente e non ho avuto tempo di finirle. Vi terrò aggiornate anche su questo blog!
      Ciao, Federica

      p.s. perdonami se rispondo solo ora, non avevo ricevuto la notifica del commento!


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